Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I Love About You ~ 32 weeks


~32 weeks~

I Love…

  • the way you put your hand on your face (still) while nursing, it is one of my favorite things!
  • the way you roll your tongue, and how you do it mostly when you are a bit agitated in the middle of yelling.
  • how you say “hiiiiiii” sometimes at just the right time, even though we know you’re not actually saying hi to us ;-)
  • your new highchair…and that it was only $24.99 from Ikea, and that is is lightweight and small, and ~ how cute YOU look in it!IMG_5960
  • seeing you actually eat, gnaw on your teething cookie. Your brothers think they look like dog biscuits and say oooh gross, what’s she eatin’?IMG_6158IMG_6155
  • your thighs. Oh yes those lovely legs. We LOVE your rolls. I didn’t even mean to capture them in this photo, but that’s all I notice now!IMG_5979
  • your new play mat, also from Ikea. I couldn’t resist when I saw it and I am so glad I got it, cuz you are so stinkin’ cute rolling around on it! IMG_6264
  • seeing you play with your baby dolls…IMG_5970
  • they way you lay back and chill in the PopATot. Instead of sitting up, you lean backwards and lounge, it is adorable.IMG_6149
  • watching you eat greens for the first time (a mix of yummy healthy stuff). You obviously weren’t too fond of it! IMG_6245
  • your adorable first tooth, it’s finally visible in a photo…right there on the bottom in the middle! IMG_6221
  • seeing you with all of your new friends when we went to meet Ms Jill and her 8 kiddos! IMG_5939 copy

You continue to light up our world, we are so blessed to have you! I still don’t know how you got to be 32 weeks old so fast…time continues to just fly by!

Wanna link up? Share what you love about your child (any age), link to your direct What I Love About You post! Feel free to copy the What I Love button!


MO said...

2 things

I love that her hair has grown that you can put the clips on. Too cute!

What kind of baby doll is that? it's soft and cute. I'm looking for a softy kind for my baby girl.
I was thinking of getting the pea pod doll.

Unknown said...

How stinkin' cute is your ladybug???

Oh my Carisa - those photos are priceless - love the eyes closed not so happy about eating green food photo the best! LOL!

Hugs and much love!