Early puberty is on the rise, chemicals that were once thought safe are now being shown to adversely affect our little ones, and foods that we have always eaten are now thought to be detrimental to our health.
Let me say-I am not a 100% Health Nut-although, I am a momma who strives for health. I am not a 100% Green Momma-although I desire to live responsibly.
This blog is not about my expertise, it is about my journey. The purpose is for my little girl-our Lil' Ladybug-to learn all I can, do all I can, and give her all I can. Part of this journey is also about me. As her mom, I desire to learn all I can as a woman, to set a good example for her in the future. For now I desire to be as healthy as possible as I breastfeed her.
My journey is also about the men in my family; my husband, my oldest son-Pac Man, and my youngest son-Krash--the "brother bugs." The journey was inspired by my concerns over raising a little girl...my guys will reap health rewards because of her inspiration!
I have tried keeping a notebooks, tried lists, tried everything to organize my healthy-living thoughts and it hit me suddenly that the best way for ME was a blog. I am mainly blogging for myself, to record things I learn, to jot down topics I want to learn about, to educate myself. Posts may come all at once or may not show up for awhile! This is a place for me to record my research as I learn things!
I also plan to write about various other things, and will probably post loads of photos of my ladybug. Nothing is off limits-you never know what you might read here! This blog will be a journal of sorts about my thoughts and memories while raising my girl. I hope it will be a place I can record her milestones, her cute moments, as well as my research about giving her the best life possible.
I decided to make it a public blog, in case anyone desires to follow me on my journey. I also know that maybe someone out there may read and be able to offer me insight into a topic I am researching.
Above all, I desire to lead my daughter to a life filled with the love of Jesus. There is no topic more important than that. I can feed her the best foods, wash her with the best soaps, clean our house with the best cleaning products...BUT if I don't show her how much Jesus loves her none of it matters.
ps-Lil' Ladybug is the nickname my oldest son gave to his little sister.
I've been following your other blogs for a while now, and I'm so excited to read this one as well! My son is seven months old, so he wasn't quite ready for the tot stuff just yet, although I've been enjoying stocking up on ideas and tips:) This is totally a blog after my own heart...I'm not 100% green AT ALL but I am definitely very interested in becoming more so. I'm excited to see all the new tips you share here now since the focus will be more on my son's current age-group. Your *lil' ladybug* is BEAUTIFUL as is your family:) Thank you for your inspiration!!
Ahhhh ... its just the sweetest when the big brother creates the nickname. our 10 yo ds started calling our youngest "Princess" and now everyone does it.
I love your idea for this blog! And I'm so glad you decided to make it public for those of us who will benefit from your research and discoveries. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! We have so much the same desires for our little ones. And nothing could be more true than what you said about Jesus. Amen!
With Blessings ~ Heather
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