- both of your Christmas outfits! Your casual one (left) for celebrating with Mommy’s parents and your dressy one (right) for Christmas Eve…
- seeing you in the kiddo Christmas picture!
- how much you truly enjoyed your gifts and how sweet (and good) you were while we all opened together!
- how interested you were in Santa when he visited Nanee and Baba’s house!
- seeing you in the mix with the girl cousins!
- being able to give Nanee (my mom) a photo of her girls for Christmas!
- the way you cackled and giggled with Aunt Tracey (Daddy’s sister)…
- how much you adore your new Tea Pot and try to lick the tea when we “pour” it for you…
- your adorable thumb (yes still cute).
Wanna link up? Share what you love about your child (any age), link to your direct What I Love About You post! Feel free to copy the What I Love button!