Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What I Love About You ~ 23 weeks

~23 weeks~

I Love...

  • that your hair is finally long enough to hold a tiny clip! I didn't even realize it, but found a clip in the schoolroom and tried it to be silly, and it stayed!!!
  • all of the PINK in our house (ha ha). The boys did a color hunt this morning for school and they added you to the pile of pink stuff! ;)
  • that you are in my class now :)!!!! You sit with us every morning for calendar time and I just love it!!! Sometimes you are awake for story time too, you're going to be a genius!
  • your cute bibs! You are a drooling machine and you have bibs to go with all of your fancy clothes thanks to Nanee! I don't know how I lived without these things with your brothers!
  • seeing your brothers interact with you. Watching the 3 of you giggle together just melts my heart!
  • that you can grab at your toys intentionally now. You love to just lay and play for long periods!
  • seeing and hearing you blow raspberries! You've been trying for awhile now and finally learned recently, it's such a cute noise!
  • your thumb habit. So, SO cute right now.
  • how incredibly chill you are. No matter what I am doing, no matter where you are, you're usually just chillin. I can put you just about anywhere and you are fine. Makes homeschooling a whole lot easier!!! Thanks Ladybug, you ROCK!

You are also free to use the header button if you'd like! Just be sure to link to your exact post, and not the homepage of your blog. If you'd like to link back to Lil Ladybug, that'd be awesome too! For the title of your link for MckLinky, if you could put the name and the age of your child like this... (Ladybug ~ 23 weeks) that would be cool.


Michelle said...

She is adorable...I love reading these and getting a preview of what Juliette will be up to in a few months!

Erin Emigh Stanford said...

I did mine, but forgot to link up so here it is...
