I am going to SLOWLY make changes to the products we use everyday. I am allr eady to start Ladybug off completely natural/organic, but the rest of us are going to change gradually so we can find the most cost effective way to do this. For now here is my list (which will probably be added to as I think of things).
- Body Lotion
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste
- Shaving Cream
- Face Products (cleaner, toner, lotion)
- Sunscreen
- Bug Spray/Repellent
Current Status on these...
Body LotionWe currently use
Aveeno, but are about to run out. I got a sample of
Burt's Bees and don't like it. My favorite item is
Renew from Meleleuca but I let my membership go there, I can buy it on Ebay though. I plan to look into the cost of Aveeno vs. Renew and make a decision. Body lotion is a big deal for us since all of my guys have really dry skin.
Shampoo/ConditionerWe currently use whatever we have gotten for free from CVS (mostly highly *toxic* according to Skin Deep). Pac Man either uses this or
Suave Kids. Krash still uses
Huggies Natural Hair and Body wash. Krash will begin to share the new Baby Organic Hair/Body wash with Ladybug, but I know that won't work for long on him and certainly not for Pac Man. I want to give the Whole Foods 365 line a try as I have read good things about it, and the whole family can use it. The price is reasonable too.
DeodorantI use Dove, Suave, or Secret, Daddy uses Sure. I am not overly concerned about changing these yet, as it's not the kids using them. This change will be further down my list.
ToothpasteDaddy and I will continue to use our ENORMOUS stockpile of TP from CVS, but I did change the boys to
Kiss My Face Kids Toothpaste. We haven't tried it yet. This switch was mainly for Krash because of the artificial dyes in most normal kids' toothpastes.
Shaving CreamAnother not-so-concerned category, since it does not involve the kids. I have switched to
Aveeno, and plan to stay with that, unless I can find something better and cheaper. Daddy uses whatever we have for free from CVS, normal guy stuff. Later I will look into this.
Face ProductsThis is a me thing and I have been concerned about this for awhile, I used
Garnier for a long time since I had it stocked up for free. I then looked it up on Skin Deep and grew concerned! I just ordered cleaner and toner from
Kiss My Face Organics, but haven't used them yet. I am trying to find a face lotion I like. Currently I am using up a sample of Burt's Bees Radiance, but I don't really care for it. Face Lotion is expensive so I am taking my time to decide.
SunscreenWe have a stock of this (free from CVS), which Daddy and I will use up, but I do plan to get the kiddos safer stuff for this summer. It is high on my current research list, as summer approaches.
Bug StuffAlso high on my list for obvious reasons. I have never felt good about any type of bug stuff applied to them. I am hoping to find something safe that really works for them, as the bugs can be bad in our backyard.